Saturday, August 27, 2011

Framing Your Shopping Bags

What a neat IDEA! 
I found this website that is uberly cool and because I am so original and creative, I thought to do a repost!! So how many of you guys have more paper bags than clothes? *Oooh! I do! I do!!!*  Mom got tired of collecting so much over the years and finally reused them for Christmas presents. HA! But for those really nice paper bags that spell out: I-HAVE-MONEY-TO-AFFORD-THIS-AND-YOU-DONT, don't throw them away cause here is a brilliant idea to encourage us to hoard and clutter our rooms more:
  1. Start collecting cute shopping bags and gift bags. Pick out your favorites and cut off one side of the bag. Leave one handle.
  2. Gather various sizes of frames to fit the different sizes of bags. Try thrifting for the frames!
  3. Use a really strong glue (Super Glue will work) and attach the bags to the center of a large white piece of construction paper.
  4. Pop the bag (glued to the paper) into the frame, hang on the wall, and enjoy!

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